Sunday, June 15, 2008

Training almost complete

Well we're getting down to the last of the training days. They have been pretty interesting, particularly in regards to the weather. It was a long winter followed by a very wet spring. The picture pretty well describes the boundaries of almost all the rides lately. Almost any direction I leave from Pella ends at the waters edge. Kind of a mini Sea to Sea. My total mileage to date is a Little over 2200 miles, with the longest of only 75 miles. I had planned on doing at least one century ride before I left, but time constraints and poor planning didn't allow it. The 75 mile ride was yesterday and felt fine.I took the bike apart last night and started stuffing it in a box to ship to Seattle. I'll have to ride one of my older bikes for the next week. Fund raising has gone very well. Lynn Verros and I have worked together and between the 2 of us have raised close to $25,000. Thank You to all who have participated, not only with funds, but also in your thoughts and prayers. Hopefully I see some of you along the route.

1 comment:

Neve_r_est said...

Have a good ride Rick!