Friday, August 1, 2008

Pioneer Village

McCook to Minden NE. I got on the road fairly early as I wanted to get to Minden in good time, because we started sweep in the afternoon and I wanted to visit Pioneer Village in Minden. I had been there before with the family and friends about 15 years ago. It’s a very interesting place. So I hit it pretty hard. With a good road and a tailwind I was really moving. I hit Minden shortly after 11:00 AM. Since it was almost a 100 mile trip anyway I went on thru town a couple miles and returned to complete a century. 100 miles in 4:30. Then it was on to the museum for a few enjoyable hours, then on to sweep team duties. One thing I am getting tired of is trains. I always have liked trains, but it seems like almost every night lately has trains blowing their horns at all hours. We are usually close enough to the tracks that the train sounds like it is coming right in the tent.

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