Friday, July 25, 2008

Kremmling CO

July 24, 2008
Craig to Kremmling via Steamboat springs. We traveled all 95 miles today on highway 40. It is a pretty busy road and you don’t get a lot of sightseeing as you are always concentrating on the road and traffic; it wasn’t terrible though. Several of us stopped in Steamboat Springs to have a coffee and bagel. It was a really good bagel, but you can sure tell when you’re in a tourist trap -- the price for a bagel and small coffee, over 5 bucks. Steamboat was about halfway thru the trip. Almost immediately upon leaving there we started to climb to Rabbit Ears pass. It was about an 8 mile climb, and steep enough to be in granny gear almost the whole way. I went through 3 large water bottles on the way up. It is a pretty area and I had plenty of time to enjoy it as it was slow going. I did make it the whole way without stopping. Rabbit Ears is on or near the continental divide, so that is sort of a milestone. The rest of the trip went pretty fast as I just wanted to get to camp and it was mostly downhill or level the whole way. Without trying I somehow managed to be the first to camp. As I write this we are having a small thunderstorm, nothing very threatening and it’s nice to hear some thunder and a little rain.

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