Saturday, July 12, 2008


Well, Oregon has been as beautiful and diverse as Washington. with lots of quiet paved roads, and the scenery varies from lush irrigated farm ground to desert. Thursday night we stayed in Huntington, OR. It was an interesting night as the wind came up very strong about 10pm -- a lot of the tents went down and a lot of people spent the night in the gym. The folks there where extremely friendly and helpful. The laundromat in town offered free laundry! Yesterday we stayed at Ontario, OR. It was a short trip and fast -- my total time on the bike was 1:50 for 38 miles. I rode hard so I could spend a couple hours with an old college friend, Steve Lutz. We had a great visit. Then it was our turn for sweep team duties. Those duties include helping unload the gear truck then setting up, serving supper and then cleaning up. Then we do the same thing at 5:30 in the morning for breakfast, load up and clean up camp. About 6 of the sweep team are last to leave camp and make sure that everyone makes it to the next camp. It was a fairly long day today and we finally rolled into camp about 4:30 in 95 degree temps. It's a good thing we only have to sweep once every 10 days. Camp tonight is in Boise, ID, where we'll be through Sunday. I did see a couple of mule deer and some prairie dogs, also a lot of birds I haven't seen before. I also did a little fishing in the Snake River, but had my usual result (0).

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